Sunday, August 4, 2013

Washed by the Water

my wonderful co-counselors
This summer I worked at a Christian summer camp, Sky Ranch. Over the course of five weeks I had the privilege of being a counselor for around 100 sweet, beautiful, and fun teenage girls ages 14-17. My campers came so eager to learn and our conversations over topics like boys, body image, heaven, sin, gossip, the Bible, and so much more, are conversations I will always remember and hold dear to my heart. While I hope my girls were able to go home feeling closer to Christ and more sure of what they believe, I know without a doubt that they were able to teach me so much more than I ever taught them.

One conversation that stands out in my mind today is one about baptism. While I personally do not believe that you HAVE to be baptized in order to get to heaven or consider yourself a Christian, I believe that baptism is an incredibly moving and symbolic way to declare to the Lord, and to the world, that you are living for Christ alone. As I've mentioned before, I'm a lover of lists. Here is a quick list of things I believe as true when it comes to baptism. 

1. You do not have to "clean yourself up" before making this public declaration of your faith. God meets you right where you are and starts the cleaning and refining for you
2. Baptism is never something to do just because you feel like it is expected of you 
3. Baptism is not your ticket to heaven, accepting Jesus into your heart and believing the Gospel as true is
4. No matter what age you are baptized at, baptism is a sweet and intimate moment between you and the Lord that he treasures

Today I had the privilege of attending the baptism of my precious camper, Claire. While Claire could have easily fallen to pressure of approval from others and been baptized when all of her friends were, she waited until she was positive that she was ready. She may see me as a teacher or mentor, but I do not think she realizes what she portrayed to me with her decision to be baptized. Claire's choice to stand in front of her church and declare her love for the Lord was such a bold move and reminds me of 1 Timothy 4:12 which says, "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." I so often find myself being comfortable in my faith. I go to church and sit in the same spot. I read the books of the Bible that are easy to interpret. I pray conservative prayers. One thing I have learned over the past 20 years is that the comfort zone stifles growth. With Claire's baptism in mind, I am determined to live a bold life that is pleasing to Christ and brings glory to His name. 
sweet Claire and me after her baptism
Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

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