Sunday, July 28, 2013

So I Decided to Start a Blog

I know that I don't have to justify my decision to start a blog, but I figured it would be the best way to introduce myself to the blogging world. I work better using lists so here we go:
In a little over a month I turn 20. I will feel no different on September 11th than I did on September 10th. I won't feel older. I won't feel wiser. I won't feel more mature. I won't have my life any more figured out.  I definitely won't grow any taller. I probably won't stop eating princess shaped fruit snacks. But let's face it, I haven't had too many decades go by in my life so starting a new one is a pretty big deal! 
I used to tell myself, "I can't wait until I'm married and I have kids (or just a dog) so that I have interesting stuff to blog about." That is not the mentality I should have. Why can't I find interesting stuff to blog about where I am right now, entering this new decade? This brings me to reason two.
I'm about as "Type A" as it gets. I find joy in writing in my agenda and making to-do lists. Don't get me started on crossing things off my to-do list...I might get worked up. Although I do believe that this mentality has gotten me far in life, well maybe not in life, just in school, I realize that God does not call us to live a life where we are constantly looking towards the next big event. Every day that we wake up is a gift certainly not promised by God. Every day is another opportunity to share Christ's love to others, a task we should be joyful about. My hope is that with this blog I can reflect more on what I'm being blessed with right now in my life, not what I am anticipating in the future. 
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:33-34
I'm the baby of the family. My sister is a 23-year-old 1st grade teacher who recently moved into her own apartment, which means when I leave again for school in a couple weeks, my parents will be first time empty-nesters! Now I know I technically still live there, it's my permanent address, but for about 8 of the 12 months of the year I will be off in College Station, leaving my parents bored and alone, wondering what to do with their life! Who are they going to take shopping? Who are they going to cook dinner for? Who is going to make them laugh? Who is going to keep them hip and cool? Who are they going to tuck in every night? Okay maybe it's been awhile since they've tucked me in, but still, this is a new stage in life for them! So this is sort of a gift for them. Phone calls between class can be pretty short and surface-level so this will be a way for them to keep up with their crazy college kid. 

Meet the Family

                 dying Easter eggs with my dad and sister       family vacation to Mexico in 2012

my mom and me in NJ last spring break on a mission trip

I hope that those reasons are good enough for me to be accepted into the world of blogging! Join me as I take on this new decade and new adventure in my life!

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